Photo Gallery       

Clint & Family


Clint Moore for Congress

Clint & Diana at 2001 Inagural Ball

Diana, Clint, & Nephews

Clint in 1964 with Goldwater Bumper Sticker

Clint's Nephews showing their support!

Check out that bumper sticker!



Impacting Washington DC


Clint, Diana, & Tom Delay in Tom's Capitol office.

Phil Gramm & Clint

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson & Clint

Clint, Kevin Brady, & Diana

COS Don Carlson, Clint, Congressman John Culberson, & Diana

Clint & John Cornyn

Tom Delay & Clint

Clint outside Capitol after House Energy Committee Testimony



Texas Grassroots


Rick Perry and Clint

Clint & David Dewhurst

Clint & George W. Bush

Joe Crabb & Clint

Clint & Greg Abbott

Clint & Michael Williams

Jon Lindsay & Clint

Paul Bettencourt & Clint

Stan Stanart, Texas CD08 Presidental Elector; Clint & Diana Moore

Clint and Carole Keeton Strayhorn



Texas State Rep. Party


Diana, Rick Perry, & Clint

Clint, Diana, & Cong. Henry Bonilla

Susan Weddington, Clint, & David Barton

National Committeewoman Denise McNamara & Clint

Susan Weddington, Clint, & Tom Pauken

Clint & National Committeeman Tim Lambert



National Conventions


Fellow 2000 National Delegates Betty Anderson, Jim Jenkins, Clint, Butch Davis, Billy Moore, & Paul Benttencourt

Phyllis Schlafly & Clint

Clint & Terry Leo - Rep. State Board of Education

Then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich & Clint

National Committeewoman Denise McNamara & Clint

Clint & Rick Perry